UR Home Light | Stylish lighting that complements your home | Open daily 10am-7pm except Monday
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RM {{sub_total_price | number:2}}


Panasonic 60" 3 Blades Regulator Ceiling Fan | F-M15AO - PANASONIC-F-M15A0

Serial No: {{flexiArea.serial}}

General Information:
・Fan Size (cm)
(Low) - 81 - 118
(High) - 216 - 264
・Air Delivery (m3/min)
(Low) - 15 - 20
(High) - 67 - 82
・Motor HP - 0.11
・Wattage - 72W
・Motor Type - 14 Pole Condenser Motor
・Noise Level (dB) - <54
・Nett Weight (kg) - 7.3
・Length from pully to PCB cover (mm) - 439
・Length from pully to blade (mm) - 348
・NOTE: Design and specifications are subject to chance without notice
・2 units per-box
・If only buy 1 unit, box will be cut

Price {{flexiArea.promotion_title}} {{flexiArea.promotion_startdate+"~"+flexiArea.promotion_enddate}}

RM {{flexiArea.price}} RM {{flexiArea.factory_price}} RM {{flexiArea.before_promotion_price}} - {{flexiArea.dreate }}%


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